Nadine Krauß-Weiler: Kunst als Spiegel der Gesellschaft und Einladung zur Selbstreflexion

In a world characterized by unprecedented speed and a never-ending race of vanities, my art questions the superficiality of the pursuit of recognition and status.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is prettier, funnier, faster, better of them all?" This question reflects today's times and draws us into a competition that often pushes true values ​​and human connections into the background.

The abundance of diversity that I encounter every day is my source of inspiration. Family, friends, current topics and amusing anecdotes - everything can awaken a creative impulse in me and inspire me to create something new on canvas. All emotions flow directly into my art and are captured on my canvas.

With my art, I strive to create a more relaxed society that doesn't take itself too seriously. For me, the end of black and white thinking leads to a potpourri of bright colors. My works are an expression of cheerful liveliness and energetic dynamism.

Each work is an invitation to expand the boundaries of one's perception and experience the world in all its diversity. My art is rooted in truth and humor and strives for an aesthetic that combines bright colors, intriguing characters, poignant text, and a glamorous gold leaf finish. I want to not only provide visual pleasure, but make the viewer reflect on their own identity.


Nadine Krauß-Weiler, born in 1980 in Saarlouis, is a contemporary artist and successful businesswoman. At a young age she developed a deep passion for creative work that has stayed with her throughout her life. After graduating from high school with a focus on art, she passed the entrance exams at five renowned Parisian art schools. This was the starting signal for her artistic and professional journey to the vibrant metropolis of Paris.

In order to be able to afford life in Paris, Nadine took portraits of tourists under the Eiffel Tower. These experiences enriched her artistic perspective and laid the foundation for her career. After graduating, she worked as an art director in various renowned advertising agencies and corporations, where she further deepened her expertise in the field of design and marketing.

Her affinity for France and the impressions she gained there are reflected in her creative style. Nadine is known for her ability to constantly reinvent herself and integrate her positive zest for life into her art.

In her creative process, Nadine uses modern technology to flesh out her ideas with the help of artificial intelligence. Her painting technique combines bright colors, intriguing characters and poignant text, often complemented by a glamorous gold leaf finish. Her works encourage the viewer to reflect on their own identity.

Nadine Krauß-Weiler's art is an expression of a positive attitude to life and enjoys great international popularity. She lives and works in Potsdam, where she continues to pursue her artistic visions and expresses her inspiring energy in her works. Her art inspires people all over the world and she remains a formative force in the contemporary art scene.